Price: $22.00

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Children will love these new and attractive character pieces by Lynette Sawatsky.  Waddle & Quack
is a treasure trove of eleven elementary piano solos which serve as delightful reading or rote repertoire for a variety of ages. Styles range from jazz in Puppy Dog Blues to Impressionistic pentatonic works such as Beautiful Swan to swing rhythm in Clip Clop. Works include body percussion, pedal, swing rhythm, octave displacement, hand crossing, glissandos, some lyrics, repeat signs, hands separate and together playing, as well as appealing titles and stunning ready-to-colour illustrations by gifted artist Deborah Alexander. 28 pages.  Titles include:

Waddle and Quack - pre grade 1
New Lamb - grade 1
Pig in a Puddle - pre grade 1
Puppy Dog Blues - pre grade 1
Beautiful Swan - grade 1
Cuddly Kitten - pre grade 1
Mozza Mouse - pre grade 1
Alpha Betta - grade 1
Clip Clop - pre grade 1
Early Bird - pre grade 1

​Listen to Waddle & Quack on YouTube by clicking here.

Hard Cover (Book)

Studio License Digital File

The purchasing teacher may make unlimited copies for their own use for students within their own private teaching studio.

Digital files may not be shared.

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